Team Volunteer Descriptions
Football is a “community” sport. It needs the involvement of all of the families of all of the players. Even if you don’t know a thing about football, there are plenty of things that you can do to help. We ask that each family take on some volunteer responsibility.
Team Parent
Responsible for team communications, coordinating game day and fundraising event volunteers, coordinate collection of league approved events (ie raffle ticket sales, coaches gift funds, etc), plan team party, assist players on the field during games. Maintain communication with parents where coach deems helpful. Responsible for maintaining “THE BOOK” (contains all league required participant documents and MPR’S). The team parent also serves as the play counter for your team at games unless assigned to another volunteer and assists the Little Scholars Representative with coordinating grades and eligibility with coaches and parents. The Team Parent will work with the Head Coach to ensure that the team runs smoothly.
Checker/Spotter (Game Day MPR’s)
Tracks playing time to ensure minimum play requirements are met. Checker is positioned on opposing sideline to mark off opponent’s minimum plays. Spotter calls out player #’s on home team side to Checker sent over from other team.
Chain Gang (3 volunteers per home game)
The Chain Gang is responsible for holding the down markers. Chain Gang volunteers will be on the field but cannot communicate with the players.
Announcer (home games only)
The Announcer will announce the game from the “booth” at all home games.
Photographer (optional)
Take photos of players and coaches during game/ practice – usually wanted for season ending video.
Post Game Reporter (optional)
In previous seasons, we had a parent who would write a brief summary of their respective team game and submit it with a photo for the local papers. They all were published and created some fun keepsakes. CCJFA has a PR coordinator who will coordinate with each time to create the articles for the league.